Women's voices in politics are essential

Vote for a Woman is thé foundation in The Netherlands focussed on the position of women in politics. Our aim is a future in which every woman can make her voice heard, where all girls and women are represented in politics, and their diverse interests are represented as a result of that. Unfortunately, this is not yet a reality: only about 30 percent of Dutch politicians are women, and within this group Diversity is limited. From online hate to persistent gender roles, women unfortunately still face barriers to becoming and remaining politically active.

We are committed to securing a better position for women in politics, by actively striving for change. Join our mission: become a member of our Friends Club!

What is the Friends Club?

In 2023 we launched the Friends Club: a collective of friends (of all genders) who support our work with a financial contribution. We strive for a total of 100 Friends , yearly supporting us with a contribution of €1000* a year.

As a Friend you are not only part of Vote for a Woman, but also:

  • You are connected to an inspiring network.
  • You are invited to our yearly meet-up where you can meet us and the other members.
  • We keep you up to date on our activities, successes and challenges.
  • Via a yearly questionnaire, you get to voice how you would like the Friends Club to function.

* You can also become a Friend with a contribution of €500 or €2000 per year. We have an ANBI-status, which means your donation is deductible from your income tax.

Become a Friend of Vote for a Woman

With your support, we introduce various women and girls from all over the Netherlands to politics, support female politicians, and make politics more safe and inclusive. Do you want to contribute to this mission? Register as a Friend!

Become a Friend: register via the button below. You immediately transfer your contribution (€500, €1000 or €2000).


Do you have any questions about membership of the Friends Club? Please feel free to contact us via vriendin@stemopeenvrouw.com

* Vote for a Woman has an ANBI-status. That means your donation is deductible from your income tax.

* Do you want to stop your donation or change the amount? Send us an email!